Yunus Never Convicted of Tax Evasion. No such case existed. - Rejoinder to Law Minister's statement in Reuters' news
Press Release - 12 June 2024
In a news report carried by Reuters globally on June 11, 2024. The statement made by Hon’ble Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs of Bangladesh Mr. Anisul Huq MP is completely baseless and defamatory. He is quoted to have said:
“(Mr. Anisul) Huq cited tax paid by Yunus after the Supreme Court ruled against him in a tax-evasion case.”
There was never a tax evasion case by the tax authority against Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus at any point of time. So the question of the Supreme Court giving any verdict on tax evasion by Professor Muhammad Yunus is totally fictitious. The reason that Professor Yunus went to court was to contest a legal point on a tax issue, whether donation comes under income tax law (because the Tax authority imposed tax on his donation). The case went up to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court agreed with the tax authority and Professor Yunus paid the tax. That resolved the issue. Neither party in the case was ever talking about any tax evasion. Tax authority never went to court on any issue against Professor Yunus. It was Professor Yunus who went to the court to resolve a legal point.
The Hon'ble Law Minister completely misrepresented the case to the global media against a distinguished citizen of the country and against the image of the country.
Prof. Muhammad Yunus felicitated in Manila on the occasion of his 40th anniversary of receiving the “Ramon Magsaysay” Award.

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