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আমার বন্ধু জামিলুর রেজা চৌধুরীমুহাম্মদ ইউনূস অনেক ব্যস্ততার মধ্যে দিন শুরু হয়েছিল। আগামীকাল আমাদে...

Muhammad Yunus   I vividly remember one of my most memorable trips I ever made. In the year 1955, I was part of the boy scout group who got the chance to travel to Europe and North America to the 10th World Jamboree of Boy Scouts held in Canada. I was......

মুহাম্মদ ইউনূস   আমার জীবনের সবচেয়ে স্মরণীয় সফরগুলোর একটি আমার স্মৃতিতে এখনো উজ্জ্বল হয়ে আছে। সেটা ...

Concept Note onNOBIN EQUITY PROGRAMME (NEP)OF THE SOCIAL BUSINESS VENTURE CAPITAL FUND   Muhammad Yunus   Three  Social Business Venture Capital Funds have been created by  three organizations: Grameen Telecom Trust, Grameen Trust, and Grameen ...

Rural Economies Must be Built As Independent Economies To Unleash the Creative Energy of People   Professor Muhammad Yunus Nobel Peace Laureate 2006 Founder of Grameen Bank   Economists always imagined urban economy as the engine of the economy. Rural e...

  Welcome to the YSBC Web Lecture Series    We are very happy to introduce our new initiative from Yunus Centre under the banner of the “YSBC Web Lecture Series”. This will be an endeavor of the Yunus Centre Social Business Academy aimed ...

COVID-19 VACCINE FOR ALL Declare Covid-19 Vaccine A Global Common Good Now   We, the undersigned make this joint appeal to all the global leaders, International Organizations, and Governments to adopt legal measures and make official statements declaring COVID-1...

Post-Corona Reconstruction ProgrammeNo Going Back Muhammad Yunus Nobel Peace Laureate 2006Founder, Grameen Bank, The Bank for the Poor   Extent of damage that Corona pandemic is causing the world is just mind boggling. However despite this massive damage it...

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