Post-Corona Reconstruction ProgrammeNo Going Back
Muhammad Yunus Nobel Peace Laureate 2006Founder, Grameen Bank, The Bank for the Poor
Extent of damage that Corona pandemic is causing the world is just mind boggling. However despite this massive damage it...
JUNE 2020
Update: 18 June 2020
SaDhan Webinar on MF"Financial Inclusion in a post Covid Era"
Date: 06 June Saturday
Time: 16:00 to 17:00
Platform: Zoom Cloud Meeting
Registration Link:
‘No Going Back’ An Op-Ed by Nobel Peace Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus on rebuilding the post COVID19 world, was published in different countries/Publications. Here is the compilation of those publications in order on the published date.
#NoGoingBack #Wo...
মুহাম্মদ ইউনূস
আমি শুধু সময়ের দিকে সবার দৃষ্টি আকর্ষণ করতে চাচ্ছি। প্রতি মহুর্তে যেন আমরা সুযোগ হ...
Muhammad Yunus
want to draw everyone's attention to time. It is running out fast.
With every passing moment, we are losing the opportunity we still have.
If we can comprehend the severity of the massive Corona war, we had better prepare oursel...
Yunus Centre is currently accepting applications for candidates to participate in the One Young World 2020 Summit in Munich, Germany from 14 - 17 October, 2020.
The annual One Young World Summit brings together the most valuable young talents from global and national...
Some Issues Relating To SOCIAL BUSINESSESMuhammad YunusTYPES OF SOCIAL BUSINESSES01. TYPE 01 OR CLASSIC SOCIAL BUSINESSA social cause-driven non-dividend company, or any other type of enterprises (such as, co-operative, individually or jointly owned business, ...
To begin the formal process, we require a Letter of Intent from the university by an authorized person from the university which can include its Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, President, Rector, Registrar, Dean, Head of Department or equivalent position proposing the univ...
A Yunus Social Business Centre (YSBC) is a hub for social business in universities around the world, following the principles of Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus. YSBCs are set in collaboration through agreement between Yunus Centre and the university with the ai...
view 21 to 30 of 33 records