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If you can find the solution for it in a sustainable business way, you would be a hero for the whole world The New Kind of Capitalism That Serves Humanity s Most Pressing Needs

Quote 209: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Sustainable Business, Quotes

I rsquo;m not saying to get away from profit-making businesses. I rsquo;m saying keep these separate, run them in parallel. There is a toolbox to solve the problems of poverty, unemployment, the environment. All I rsquo;m doing is adding one more tool to the box. It rsquo;s simply...

Quote 208: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Sustainable Business, Quotes

To profit, and focus exclusively on people and planet. Beyond Profit Yunus Interview Unknown Interviewer

Quote 207: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Sustainable Business, Quotes

Your money will be recycled again and again. Much greater impact can be derived from it than from charity. The charity dollar has only one life; you give and it never comes back. Money well lent

Quote 206: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Sustainable Business, Quotes

There s a rule that you have to drive safely, so that you don t harm anybody. Same thing is for living on this planet. We are sharing with each other. Muhammad Yunus Speaks Microcredit and Poverty Alleviation Yunus Interview with Microfinance Focus

Quote 205: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Sustainable Business, Quotes

They explained to me that the bank cannot lend money to poor people because these people are not creditworthy.

Quote 204: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Credit, Quotes

Microcredit has shown how you can reach out to people that conventional banking cannot. It has demonstrated that it s a doable proposition.

Quote 203: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Credit, Quotes

Credit markets were originally created to serve human needs; to provide businesses and individuals with capital to start or expand businesses or fulfill other financial needs.

Quote 202: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Credit, Quotes

Credit is a human right that should be treated as a human right. If credit can be accepted as a human right, then all other human rights will be easier to establish.

Quote 201: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Credit, Quotes

In the future the question will not be, lsquo;Are people credit-worthy, but rather, Are banks people-worthy?

Quote 200: Professor Muhammad Yunus, Credit, Quotes
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